Dear Family and Friends,
Although our girl, Tina, didn't win in the Jr. Teen category, she had a fabulous day participating in the 2018 Miss Teen Atlanta Competition. Tina, Ann Doll, and I arrived at the Homer J. Walker Civic Center in Warner Robins, GA at 8am in the morning for the pageant rehearsal. The contestants had to practice walking across the stage in their high heels. There were a total of 172 contestants wobbling across the stage in some of the most fierce, sparkly, high heeled shoes Ann Doll and I have ever seen. . . Oh, MY!
The high heel wobbling went on until 10:15 am, then there was a meal break. Since we were in small town America where nothing was open on a Sunday, Tina, Ann Doll, and I decided to just hang out in the car, eat fruit and drink water. Tina took advantage of the down time to apply her makeup for the Casual Wear portion of the competition.
Once the meal break was over, the contestants were herded into various dressing rooms according to the five competition categories: Teen 1, Teen 2, Jr. Teen (Tina's group) Pre-Teen, Girls. As you can imagine, 172 teens, plus 172 Moms or Aunts or Best Friends helping each contestant to get dressed, the dressing rooms were on JAM! Tina, Ann Doll and I found a tiny sliver of space near the door of her assigned dressing room and started preparing for Casual Wear.
Tina made friends with Mindy, a girl that seemed a little lost because her Dad drove her to the pageant; however, he couldn't come backstage. Mindy asked to borrow Tina's red hoodie because she didn't know that contestants needed two outfits: Evening wear and Casual Wear. So Tina, Ann Doll, and I told Mindy not to worry, we'll help you out. After Tina changed out of her red hoodie and gray leggings into her Casual Wear dress; she gave them to Mindy to put on. Mindy looked cute and casual; however, she was wearing high wedge sandals. . . not a good look. Ann Doll asked Mindy what size shoe she wore because Marcie has a bunch of sneakers in her car. With a reply of 7 and a half trailing in our ears, Ann Doll and I dashed out to the car, slash Shoe Locker, to retrieve three pair of sneakers: Orange Zumba Sneakers, Gray Work Sneakers, and Black Salsa Dance Sneakers! Back in the dressing room, Ann Doll and I laid out our sneaker smorgasbord before Tina and Mindy. The girls decided the Black Salsa Dance Sneakers looked best! Yay, crisis averted!
Tina's Aunt, Lan, was arriving any minute to help with hair and makeup. So, we told the door Nazi that Lan was Mindy's Mom so that Lan could gain access backstage; the rules allowed for only one dresser per contestant. Lan is a Vietnamese Beauty, so she was in the zone getting the girls competition ready. Ann Doll and I did what we do best: BTS (behind the scenes) photos and Sparkle Support!
When the girls lined up to go on stage, Lan, Ann Doll, and I dashed out front to go back into the audience to watch. Tina, Mindy, and 170 cute girls, pre-teens, and teens bounced across the stage in Casual Wear. As soon as Tina bounced across the stage, Lan, Ann Doll, and I headed back to the dressing room to help the girls get dress for Evening Wear.
Lan carefully helped Tina put on her beautiful eggplant colored, satin gown, while Mindy put back on her original outfit consisting of a super cute, hot pink dress with high wedge sandals. Almost in ritual, Lan placed a diamond necklace around Tina's neck and put diamond earrings on Tina's ears. Tina looked lovely. Once again Lan worked her hair and make magic, first on Tina, then on Mindy. Lan, Ann Doll and I went back into the audience to watch the Evening Wear competition.
Some Magic Unicorn Fairy dust must have fallen over all the contestants because during the Evening Wear competition all the girls/teens glided across the stage with such grace and ease, hitting every mark and even waving like Princess Di on the way out. Ann Doll and I kept wiping our eyes in disbelief, since during rehearsal the same set of girls/teens were wobbling and struttin' across the stage like broke down cowboys. Perhaps each contestant had a magic gown that transformed their crazy, shaky high heeled walk into a graceful glide. Needless to say, Ann Doll and I were Mega Impressed!
The Evening Wear competition was simply lovely! All the gowns were gorgeous; many of the teens looked like Holiday Barbies. Each contestant had to answer a question during Evening Wear. The teens had such grace and poise as their answers provided a glimpse of their personality. Even the teens that froze during their question receive so much support from the audience that they were able to recover with a great answer. Yay!
After a brief pause to reset the stage and tabulate the judge’s results, it was time to announce the Winners of each category. Miss Photogenic was announced first, then Girls, then Pre-Teen. and then Jr. Teen, Tina's category. Ann Doll and I held our breath and crossed our fingers and. . . . . No Cigar! Although Tina didn't win the Jr. Teen competition, she is already a WINNER at Life; she literally gave the clothes off her back to a total stranger in need. How's that for a teenage hero!!!
On the two hour ride home, Ann Doll, Tina, and I laughed and giggled about all the crazy things we saw, the lessons we learned, and the amazing evening wear gowns everyone wore. All and all it was the Best Day Ever with a pinch of Cinderella drama thrown in! Yay!
Thank you family, friends, and Sponsors for all your financial and moral support!!!! Yay!
Tina, Ann Doll, and Marcie